The safest way for anyone to become a diver is in their own high-quality, personally fitted Total Diving System.
Being familiar with your equipment increases your ability and confidence using life support equipment.
Remember when you do you Open Water Dives for certification the price of rental is credit back to you for a Total Diving System.
Please bring your Certification card when bringing in tanks to fill or when renting tanks.
Air Fills and Tank Rentals:
Whether you need Air, Nitrox, or C02 for a round of paintball, we have you covered.
We offer rentals for air and nitrox tanks at a fixed rate.
Air 80 cu Rental: $20.00 per day
Nitrox 100 cu Rental: $24.00 per day
Travel time is taken into account when renting tanks.
Notice: If a customer is in the pool area, we will not be able to fill tanks.
VCI & Hydro:
If your tank is in need of a annual visual inspection or five year hydro, visit our location today.
Remember VCI is every year and Hydro every five.
We will help you keep your tanks up to date and dive ready.
Equipment Repairs:
Our team of certified technicians will get your gear ready for your next trip.
An official yearly inspection or overhaul can be performed on your gear.
Need your gear Nitrox compliant? We have you covered.
Scuba Courses (Open Water, Advanced and Instructor):
Are you ready to become an Open Water Diver?
Maybe you want to advance your diving? or even become an instructor?
We have a course for that! We offer Monthly Certifcation courses. Prefer a private course?
We offer that at the Diving Locker Ski Chalet.
Air Fills and Tank Rentals:
Whether you need Air, Nitrox, or C02 for a round of paintball, we have you covered.
We offer rentals for air and nitrox tanks at a fixed rate.
Air 80 cu Rental: $20.00 per day
Nitrox 100 cu Rental: $24.00 per day
Travel time is taken into account when renting tanks.
Notice: If a customer is in the pool area, we will not be able to fill tanks.
VCI & Hydro:
If your tank is in need of a annual visual inspection or five year hydro, visit our location today.
Remember VCI is every year and Hydro every five.
We will help you keep your tanks up to date and dive ready.
Equipment Repairs:
Our team of certified technicians will get your gear ready for your next trip.
An official yearly inspection or overhaul can be performed on your gear.
Need your gear Nitrox compliant? We have you covered.
Scuba Courses (Open Water, Advanced and Instructor):
Are you ready to become an Open Water Diver?
Maybe you want to advance your diving? or even become an instructor?
We have a course for that! We offer Monthly Certifcation courses. Prefer a private course?
We offer that at the Diving Locker Ski Chalet.
Whether you are going on a trip, renting gear, or have not been diving in a while; Hop in our heated indoor pool and refresh up on your skills.
If needed, one of our instructors will schedule a Scuba Skills Update to get you dive ready.
The safest way for anyone to become a diver is in their own high-quality, personally fitted Total Diving System.
Being familiar with your equipment increases your ability and confidence using life support equipment.
Remember when you do you Open Water Dives for certification the price of rental is credit back to you for a Total Diving System.

Rental Packages:
Non Weight Integrated TDS: $95.00
Non Weight Integrated TDS: $95.00
- Air Delivery System
- Analog gauges
- Weights
- SCUBA Cylinders
- Regulator with Gauges
- Weights
- 80 cu ft. Air cylinder
- 100 cu ft. Nitrox Cylinders